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                                                              What is a Cataract?                                                                    


A cataract is the clouding and hardening of the part of the eye known as the crystalline lens. Cataracts are mainly a result of aging, accumulation of UV and affect a high percentage of people over the age of 60. They can also occur due to eye injuries, diabetes, kidney disease or from certain medications. By impairing the ability to see clearly, cataracts can greatly reduce your capacity to do the things you love.

                                                                      Early Signs                                                                             

  • Halos around lights or glaring from lights (such as headlights, while driving at night).

  • Blurred or fuzzy eyesight, muted color perception.

  • Difficulty reading.

  • A marked difference in clarity and brightness in one eye.

  • Cataracts develop gradually. At first, you may think the changes are just your imagination.




Cataracts could be treated by surgical means, by an operation where the patient’s clouded lens is replaced with a clear synthetic intraocular lens (IOL). Patients with no other underlying eye problems would continue to have normal vision after the operation. Cataract surgery is one of the most successful surgical procedures performed today – about 98-99% of all cataract surgeries result in improved vision. In some cases, prescription problems could also be solved from this same operation.

                                              Intraocular Lens Implant (IOL) Choices                                                


A) OHIP covered IOL

  • This is a soft, foldable IOL with a single focus. After having this IOL implanted, distance vision will be at optimum, but you will need reading glasses for close up tasks.

B) Blue Blocker IOL (Blue filter + HOA Design)

  • This is a soft, foldable IOL with a single focus. You will still need reading corrections for close up tasks.

  • This type of IOL helps to reduce UV and blue light getting through the eyes, therefore protecting your eyes from Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD).

  • In addition, it helps to reduce the “Higher Order Aberrations” (HOA), for better night vision.

C) Restore IOL

  • Restore IOL is the most advance type of IOL. It not only has the features of A & B IOL lenses, but also has two foci which allow you to see clearly at both distance and near. 85% of the patients implanted to this lens will be able to go completely without the glasses; the remaining 15% will still require glasses occasionally. Currently Restore Lenses are only limited to certain prescriptions, so not everyone is suitable.

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